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The only data warehouse
built for the cloud.

Snowflake makes life easier for you and your developers and analysts alike. It offers enhanced performance, a native environment, and parallel access to data.
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What makes Snowflake so exceptional?
Peerless performance
Snowflake processes tasks in a fraction of the time required by conventional systems. A combination of automatic clustering and the ability to scale up and down without any unnecessary downtime brings you the required performance.
Diverse data sources
No drawn-out data transformation, no compromises. Snowflake can load and optimise structured or semi-structured data from traditional and modern sources alike.
Zero Management
Infrastructure, optimisation, availability, and data protection, all processed automatically thanks to Snowflake. You can therefore devote all your time to actually using the data.
SQL Data Warehouse
Snowflake supports the most common standardised version of SQL: ANSI. You can therefore employ the skills and tools that your organisation already uses. Additionally, Snowflake automatically optimises SQL queries.
More effective and faster business with Snowflake
Don’t let other systems limit your capacity to innovate and grow.
Snowflake can generate a report that might take dozens of hours elsewhere in a matter of minutes.
01. Data
Supports diverse sources of data
Structured and machine-generated data
The quantity of data is not limited in any way
Problem-free data sharing
02. Analytics options
Tackling even the most challenging analytic issues
Creating interactive reports and dashboards
Automatic query optimisation
03. Flawless performance
Speedy operation even when faced with the most intense workload
The capacity to scale up and down while the system is in use
Multiple computing clusters can work simultaneously with the same data Hotfix failed? Then you are sure to appreciate the Undrop and Time Travel functions.
04. Benefits of the cloud
Automatically adds or subtracts computing means
Takes care of all data management
Several levels of security
Minimum impact on the customer in the event of any issue

Do you have a project? We will help you move it forward.

Contact us.